Getting ready to head out on the open water and sink in a line means that you have to put together the right equipment to do just that.  When you are packing to go, the most important thing to focus on is, of course, your tackle box.  But, how do you know what to put in it?  Likely you have the right ideas as you are probably familiar with the basics but take a look at this guide and you can find all of your critical must-haves for hitting the road.  Or, boat.

Extra fishing line

You never want to run out when you’re hours from home, or dry land, so consider bringing enough extra fishing line to be worry-free.  It’s lightweight, coils easily, can be tucked away in that dark corner of your tackle box.  A line snaps when you least expect it, so consider staying covered with a comfortable amount of extra line.

Spare hooks

Much like above, you never know when you’ll lose a hook, so try to bring a few extras along for the ride. Thinking that you won’t need them may just cost you a quality catch, so focus on finding a tucked-away little spot and that way you won’t have to think about it until you need them.


When you need your hook to get down to the bottom, you should have the right size sinkers to do the job.  It’ll be a waste of time to be stubborn and try to sink your line without one, so throw a few in and make your fishing adventure that much easier on yourself.


You know as well as the next person that sometimes it can be hard to feel a tug at first.  But getting that timing right is critical.  Bobbers will help you keep an eye out for that first tug, see where your line is when the sun is bouncing off the water and prep you for the capture and reel.


To give you a boost in unhooking your fish from your hook to avoid frustration for everyone, needle-nosed pliers are good to have on hand.  They’re a handy tool for all sorts of uses, including straightening a crooked hook and more.  Not to mention, gives you that extra length/reach when you have thick fingers! LOL  So, consider bringing a set along and see just how handy they can be.

First aid kit

This might be a given, but an up to date first aid kit can be the most important thing to bring along for the ride.  You don’t want to be out in the middle of nowhere with a severe need for a gauze wrap after all.  You can get ones that are designed specifically to sit in your tackle box, so try to find one that has all that you want in a size that you can live with.

Don’t forget that sunscreen with your first aid kit. We keep our own first aid kit as part of Galveston Fishing Charter’s safety measures, but can’t hurt to keep one with you in your tackle box, at all times.

Your tackle box is critical to have arranged just-so and properly filled with the right pieces.  These top choices can help you get that right overall look and feel for it while still helping make sure that you aren’t lugging around anything other than what is totally necessary.  Consider treating your tackle box right and it will treat you right in return.

Should you have any questions about other things to bring on your day or half day fishing trip (scroll down to What to Expect), we have a few suggestions but as always, feel free to contact us with any questions, at (713) 724-9939. We are here to be sure you have the most enjoyable, and safe, fishing excursion!